A compilation of research, studies, and papers centered around advancing
type 1 diabetes care technology using artificial intelligence
- Analyzing the Performance of Transformers for the Prediction of the Blood Glucose Level Considering Imputation and Smoothing - Edgar Acuna, Roxana Aparicio, Velcy Palomino - link
- Studies of insulin and proinsulin in pancreas and serum support the existence of aetiopathological endotypes of type 1 diabetes associated with age at diagnosis - Leete, et al. - link
- Differential Insulitic Profiles Determine the Extent of β-Cell Destruction and the Age at Onset of Type 1 Diabetes - Leete, et al. - link
- RAPTOR: Recursive Abstractive Processing for Tree-Organized Retrieval - Sarthi, et al. - link
- Graph Embedding Based Novel Gene Discovery Associated With Diabetes Mellitus - Du, et al. - link
- Gluformer: Transformer-Based Personalized Glucose Forecasting with Uncertainty Quantification - Renat Sergazinov, Mohammadreza Armandpour, Irina Gaynanova - link
- Comprehensive Study of a Diabetes Mellitus Mathematical Model Using Numerical Methods with Stability and Parametric Analysis - Al Shurbaji et al. - link
- Examining Type 1 Diabetes Mathematical Models Using Experimental Data - Al Ali, Daneshkhah, Boutayeb, Mukandavire - link